Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Marlin and I are here in the pasture field at Baker Creek Seeds near Mansfield, MO. This pasture was a campground last night. Folks are friendly. Little rooms with showers, sinks, and toilets are within walking distance. In fact, this morning as I was carrying water from the restroom, a lady exclaimed over Hans’s leather yerba mate jug. Then she went on telling me about going to San Diego and buying rugs + +so inexpensively in Mexico or on Indian reservations. Then she educated me about the US Marines. Her son-in-law is just graduating from the Marine’s training, got top honors, so will join 38 other Marines stationed at the White House. This is for a 2-year term. He and his buddy must protect one another at all times; even if they go off duty. The Marines are the top of the military ladder. They are always the first to be deployed and back up all other branches. Standing right next to her was a longhaired, skirt wearing Seventh Day Adventist lady whom Marlin and I met last evening. Yes, she too had had a good night despite “the planes flying over and spraying chemicals. See those streaks? That is not normal clouds. The government sprays that chemical stuff especially over organic farms…They started doing this in Hawaii. They use it to control the weather…The US caused the tsunami in Japan…It is the devil…but God will…I’ve seen a movie on this. See those jet trails? When we were girls it wasn’t like that…You can look Online under HAARP about chemtrol.” When I got back to the camper, I told Marlin that I just had my ears talked off. What a contrast in opinions about our Government and what it does within 20 minutes time! Add to this my extended conversation with a Cherokee sculptor at The Great Smoky Mountains. Marlin started talking with him about how he gets ideas or plans for his sculptures. His replies about creating his art were rather haughty, “No, no you are born with it.” He gets his wood from logs that have been in the river. From there we got a lesson about the loggers who had stripped the land of trees and floated them down the river. (Was it the big logs which sunk to the bottom of the river which he is now personally retrieving?) Oh, the US stole the land from the Cherokees, had them fight their military battles, and then marched them out West. He has helped to fight the US government with the law as an engineer and then a lawyer. A great grandfather Ross of his was at Harvard and a lot of this history is recorded. He has genealogical meetings with Rosses in Northern Ireland. It has been discovered that Vikings came to N Ireland and these same folks are his ancestors. This man has 14 children and at least one of them is doing sculpture. Mr Ross made the statement, “You don’t know very much, do you?” When I pushed him with some questions about Indian ownership of land and the Lenape people (applying what I learned from reading James’s book —Tomahawks to Peace, he did NOT give ME satisfactory answers. Well, you can’t believe everything you hear! Nor can you tell folks everything you know. As Winel brought to my attention: “A fool uttereth all his mind; but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.” Proverbs 29:11

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